Chevron Richmond CA dumping nuclear waste at sea and burying on site

Chevron Richmond dumped radioactive waste directly onsite in Richmond. Chevron dumped nuclear waste into the Pacific and I covered this in the following article and below.

Additional Information on the Dumping of Nuclear Waste at sea which includes Chevron designated “CR” in the tables below the Atlantic Ocean sites.

Note that this is not a complete list of dumping sites, they mention the site in Massachusetts Bay but fail to mention it is in 200 fathoms just off the coast from Boston. Other sites include the Nuclear Waste site off the coast of Martha’s Vineyard and the two sites just off the coast of Rhode Island, all were located in munitions areas and that makes them WMD sites where you mix explosives and chemical and/or radiological materials.

Chevron Richmond received a license to bury Radioactive Carbon 14 on site

Chevron Richmond NRC License Violation in 1981

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