Nuclear Regulatory Commission erased Glen Ridge from its database to hide corruption

Just like when Count Duku erased Komino from the Jedi Archive, someone in the NRC removed the city of Glen Ridge from the NRC Adams Database. All of the information from the 1950’s, to 1987 to 12-30-1987 are gone. When you type in “Glen Ridge” with the quotes, all of the information on the contamination before 1987 is gone!

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has removed the city of Glen Ridge New Jersey (EPA Superfund Site for nuclear radiation ) from its database to hide the corruption of building housing on the Westinghouse Uranium Processing plant in the neighboring Bloomfield NJ which is located 10 miles due west of the Empire State Building in New York City.

The city of Bloomfield has failed to mention that there is Uranium in the water supply from the Uranium processing plant.

All of the documents from before 1987, that told of the radiation contamination of the city were removed. those records include:

  • The EPA Superfund site records of the contamination under houses and Carteret Little league Baseball fields
  • The Source files of the Gamma Irradiator that resided in the Physics classroom in Glen Ridge High School
  • Source files on a radiation company that resided on Herman Street in Glen Ridge

The following documents were erased:

Westinghosue in Bloomfield purified Uranium for the Manhattan Project for the making of the Atomic Bomb in World War II. The contamination from the plant has poisoned all of the neighboring towns and there is Uranium in the ground water in Bloomfield NJ. The next town over is Glen Ridge which received the nuclear waste from this facility.

The rectangles are new housing on the Westinghouse Uranium Processing Plant on the rail line and the two at the top end to end and the two below, and the one under construction in the Y shaped formation, the left one being the uranium processing site.

The city of Glen Ridge was an EPA Superfund Site where the EPA showed up one day and found Radium under the Little League Fields at Carteret Park in Glen Ridge NJ. Over two decades they proceeded to remove 3000 barrels worth of nuclear waste under the towns of Montclair and Glen Ridge NJ. Radium, Uranium and Thorium were removed.

The sources of the Material were the US Radium Processing plant in the neighboring West Orange NJ and the Westinghouse Uranium Processing plant at Wastessing Ave and the Rail line to NY in Bloomfield NJ.

Radium is processed from Uranium and the Uranium was used as landfill all over Essex County NJ which is one of the most densly populated parts of New Jersey.

Exit 148 on the Garden State Parkway


Tracerlab dumping Nuclear Waste At Sea, building looted in Richmond CA

Major Nuclear Site in Richmond CA looted. Never cleaned up and it is within walking distance of the California Department of Public Health which is responsible for cleaning up these precise type of sites!

My article on Tracerlab:

“Statement of Tracerlab, Inc., On Waste Management Operations by Samuel S. Auchincloss, President, Tracerlab, Inc.”
United States. Congress. Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. Special Subcommittee on Radiation. Industrial Radioactive Waste Disposal.: Hearings Before the United States Joint Committee On Atomic Energy, Special Subcommittee On Radiation, Eighty-Sixth Congress, First Session. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1959.

Continue reading “Tracerlab dumping Nuclear Waste At Sea, building looted in Richmond CA”

UC Berkeley Nuclear Waste and the Oakland Docks Nuclear Waste

If you are building on the University of California Berkeley campus and you find large concrete blocks, don’t break into them, they hold NUCLEAR WASTE! City of Oakland wants to develop the docks that regularly held 500 to 1000 barrels of nuclear waste for disposal at sea. This is the last place you would want to bring your kids!!

Note Lawrence Livermore and Lawrence Lab at the University of California are two separate entities, this report starts with Livermore’s nuclear waste for the first two pages and then the UC Berkeley Nuclear waste is posted.

A separate campus, UC Berkeley Richmond Campus is built next to a former Uranium Processing plant that the state claims they cleaned it up for chemical contamination but nowhere do they mention the uranium processing plant which was cutting uranium metal for the Department of Defense.

Also UC Berkeley has a history of injecting people with Plutonium to see what happens to them. One wonders if all people who visit the campus are unwittingly being used for experimentation, without consent which is a violation of the Nuremberg Code. It would not the first time UC Berkeley did this, University of Califonia Professor James Hamilton injected people with Plutonium just to see what would happen to them .

United States. Congress. Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. Special Subcommittee on Radiation. Industrial Radioactive Waste Disposal.: Hearings Before the United States Joint Committee On Atomic Energy, Special Subcommittee On Radiation, Eighty-Sixth Congress, First Session. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1959.

Lawrence Livermore Site

UC Berkeley Radiation Laboratory

Continue reading “UC Berkeley Nuclear Waste and the Oakland Docks Nuclear Waste”

6 Nuclear sites within walking distance of California Department of Public Health Building, UC Berkeley Richmond and EPA Region 9 Lab

If the State and the Feds cannot look out for its own people how can we rely on them to protect the public?

The Califormia Department of Public Health (CDPH) regulates all of the radiological contamination in the State of California. The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Building, EPA Region 9 lab and the University of California Berkeley Richmond Campus are located right in the heart of Nuclear Alley in Richmond CA. This series will highlight 6 nuclear industry companies in the Port of Richmond that held Atomic Energy Commission Licenses for Nuclear Waste, worked directly with radioactive isotopes (radioactive elements like Uranium, Plutonium, Strontium 90, Cesium 137, Cobalt 60, Carbon 14 etc) and built machines used in the Nuclear Weapons industry.

Tracerlab/EAL building at 2030 Wright Avenue has been looted, it is a nuclear waste site and made radiological equipent for the Nuclear Industry. Google maps street view

All are within walking distance of these government facilites and they have never been cleaned up for their nuclear purposes. These government facilities need to be evacuated, because they were constructed after the contamination, which means:

  • Every surface exposed during contruction inside the walls and out will have to be swabbed to determine alpha and beta particles for identification of the isotopes as well as gamma readings for radiation.
  • All samples taken as evidence for all of Region 9 which includes, CA, OR, WA, HI, NV, the Pacific and the 148 Tribal Nations in all cases where the EPA and CDPH buildings have existed will have to be thrown out and resampled.
  • And most importantly every employee and every living being who stepped in these facilties will have to be evacuated and monitored for exposure for the rest of their lives.

Also note the Navy dumped nuclear waste directly into San Francisco Bay in 1946 and they covered it up by making sure to not notify the barge operators what they were dumping. Here is that COVER UP Document and a separate set of orders for all Navy Bases on the West Coast, the Pacific and Norfolk Naval Bases.

Safety Regulations have changed over the years and all sites cleaned up in the past, those standards are nuclear accidents today. All sites need to be re-evaluated for radiological contamination.

EPA Regulations on proximity means the UCSF and UC Berkeley Ergonomics Lab is within 200 feet of the Stauffer Chemical Plant making it part of the site.

The EPA has regulations on Proximity to toxic waste sites. I went into the law in detail in this article on the contamination range of Treasure Island to San Francisco.

To the EPA everything within 200 feet of a site is on the site. In this case of UC Berkeley everything to the east of Egret Way, which is where the UC BErkeley Bus drives down to unload students is within the 200 feet fo the Stauffer Chemical Company.

Near Neighbors are everything from 200 feet to a quarter of a mile and that makes the EPA Region 9 Laboratory within that range.

A Second Near Neighbor class is everything from a quarter of a mile to a mile away and that encompases the California Department of Public Health.

Then you have ranges for water and dust contamination that can go 4 miles, so these sites are all within a mile of the California Department of Public Health and all sites are within the wind range contamination of each other and the city of Richmond.


Nuclear Fuel Rods Transported to and from the Port of Richmond CA

GE Nuclear in Vallecitos Nuclear Center in Pleasanton, transported Nuclear Reactor Fuel Rods to Richmond to be sent to France to be processed in their Breeder Reactors and then sent back to GE through the Port of Richmond. To move nuclear materials you have to lay out the route and if you ever have seen the movie Superman these trucks are oversized. This also happened in the Port of Oakland. the shipping agreements are below.

They expected more shipments under this regulatory supervision.

Continue reading “Nuclear Fuel Rods Transported to and from the Port of Richmond CA”

Tracerlab at 2030 and Berkeley Scientific at 2200 Wright Avenue Richmond CA – Nuclear Devices and testing

Tracerlab processed biological samples from the nuclear tests in Nevada and the Pacific. They were flown in Alameda Naval Air Station and trucked into Tracerlab in Richmond. Tracerlab was the principle contractor to create the Radiological Mobile Laboratory used at the Atomic Tests. They built devices used in radiation work including devices used in nuclear power plants as well as selling radio-isotopes where they bombarded elements to change their atomic number. All this was right down the street from the CDPH building and within range of the EPA Region 9 lab and UC Berkeley Richmond Campus. It is the Eberline building.

In this map, Berkeley Scientific is the building on the left at 2200 Wright Avenue and Tracerlab is the building immediately to its right, next to the CVS and the complex on the right is the California Department of Public Health.

Google map showing the damaged Tracerlab/Everline building surrounded by a fence today.

Continue reading “Tracerlab at 2030 and Berkeley Scientific at 2200 Wright Avenue Richmond CA – Nuclear Devices and testing”

Chevron Richmond CA dumping nuclear waste at sea and burying on site

Chevron Richmond dumped radioactive waste directly onsite in Richmond. Chevron dumped nuclear waste into the Pacific and I covered this in the following article and below.

Additional Information on the Dumping of Nuclear Waste at sea which includes Chevron designated “CR” in the tables below the Atlantic Ocean sites.

Continue reading “Chevron Richmond CA dumping nuclear waste at sea and burying on site”

San Ramon California, the Nuclear Reactor is still in operation

San Ramon Nuclear Reactors were being built 10 at a time

US NRC 2021-2022 Information Digest p118 Appendix H

The Nuclear Reactor in San Ramon California is still in operation. This was the site of Aerojet which made nuclear reactors for colleges and research institutions. When they started the nuclear reactor San Ramon had a population of less than 200 people within a mile of the site. Today it is in the middle of the city and the city parks its school busses on the site of one of the radioactive labs. At any one time was building 10 portable nuclear reactors.

It is being active 4 hours in any quarter so they must be doing basic maintenance on the facility and are unable to close the reactor for safety reasons. It could also be a place to store nuclear waste and since the waste containers nationwide do not match with shipping containerrs they cannot remove any nuclear waste. The Savannah River Nuclear Reactor has that problem, tonsof nuclear waste and no way to ship it.

Aerojet Radiography and Research Reactor Hazards Summary Report, September 1964 (Redacted Version)
page 114 of 123 in the PDF file

In the above map:

1) An AGN-201 reactor, currently operating at 20 w, used for instrument and dosimeter calibrations and for research work in connection with AGN’s fission-chemistry development programs.
2) A hot cell with high-density concrete walls 20 in. thick. And high-density glass viewing windows, also 20 in. thick, designed to handle specimens up to 300 curies at 1 Mev
3) Chemistry laboratories, including two radiochemical laboratories, two wet chemical laboratories, a sample preparation laboratory, and storerooms
4) A specialized experimental laboratory for AGN’s fission-chemistry programs, used for UO2 slurry circulation, sample vessel assembly, loading, and unloading, safety tests, and sample analysis

5) A metallurgical and material laboratory for evaluation of high temperature materials and nuclear applications of both fueled and unfueled materials
6) A liquid metals Laboratory, including two liquid metal capsule corrosion test facilities, a boiling and condensing heat transfer test facility for space system radiators and boilers, and a dynamic liquid metal corrosion loop test facility
7) An electronics development laboratory
8) A nuclear measurements laboratory with equipment for precision alpha, beta, and gamma counting

The main office building (2) contains engineering and administrative offices, drafting rooms, computer facilities, a document control center, and printing, photographic, and other supporting services. It includes special AEC and DOD restricted area, for work on classified projects.

The shops building (3) includes a general machine shop, a separate bay of 3000 sq ft for welding operations, specialized machine tool areas for the handling of radioactive materials, facilities for the fabrication, assembly, I maintenance, and calibration of instrumentation and electronic equipment, and supporting shop services.

The nuclear fuel fabrication facility (7) is used for ceramic fuel production, sealing and assembly of wire-spaced pins for elements, and preparation of fuel-loaded parts. It is equipped with dust-free assembly rooms, glove boxes, and special equipment for inspection, testing, analysis, and leak detection. Fireproof vaults are provided for storage of plutonium and uranium.
The entire facility is a restricted area, and appropriate accountability and
health physics services are provided.

Other installations on the western side of the railroad tracks include a special radionuclide laboratory (14), cleaning and decontamination facilities, housing for pumps, generators, and air compressors, and special storage facilities for inflammable (5) and hazardous (9) materials.

Google Earth image of the San Ramon School Buses parked on a nuclear reactor site. What is the city of San Ramon Thinking?

To the east of the tracks, a new facility (51) for testing power conversion equipment and other rotating machinery was completed this year. The facility includes a high-bay assembly area, control room, test room, and special power sources and testing machinery. The concrete floor slab extends outside the building to provide a base for testing fully-assembled power conversion units for nuclear power plants.

A new physics laboratory (52) was recently completed to accommodate AGN’s expanding research in plasma physics and related fields. The laboratory houses various large magnetic-field power supplies, capacitor banks, vacuum chambers, von Ardenne and other ion sources, an energetic arc, microwave diagnostic equipment, and other special equipment for experimentation and analysis. The building is-300 ft from the site of the proposed AGNIR facility.

A new building (55) for a pulse power research facility is now under construction northeast of the new physics laboratory. The building will provide 650 sq ft of floor space for research and experimentation in the field of pulsed power production.

At the time the area was orchards wih very few people living within range of the site in the case of a nuclear accident. Unfortunately they used the city sewage for the release of radioactive water which would flow downstream through Walnut Hill and then all the way to Suisan Bay and given the safety levels of the times, this was a lot of radiation.

They built portable nuclear reactors for the following entities:

Catholic University of America
Oklahoma State University of Agriculture and Applied Science
University of Akron
Texas A&M
University of Utah
Argonne National Laboratory (AEC)
Colorado State University
University of California Berkeley
University of Delaware
Oregon State University
AGN 201-111 was operated in the commercial exhibit of the 1958 International Conference in Geneva prior to transfer to the University of Geneva
Switzerland (University of Basel)
Italy (University of Palermo)
U. S. Naval Post Graduate School (USN) – melted down but was contained; no explosion
National Naval Medical Center (USN)
William Marsh Rice University
University of Oklahoma
West Virginia University, College of Engineering
Aerojet-General Nucleonics (5 reactors) AGN 201 reactors
Aerojet-General Nucleonics (5 reactors) AGN 211 Reactors

Today the City of San Ramon parks its School Buses on the site. Google Map

The radioactively contaminated water from the site went into the sewer system of San Ramon and gets dumped into Suisun Bay through Walnut Hill. Unfortunately 1950’s standards for radiation were so dangerous that in 1959 they were cut to 1/3 of what they were in 1955 and this put the portable nuclear reactor business under as the effects of radiation became apparent and all of these reactors were emitting at least 7.5 mrems per hour when today the level of safety is 2 mrems per hour. Any amount above that number is a nuclear accident.

They also had issues with meltdowns and explosions. The Santa Susana reactors near Simi Valley built for NASA spacecraft and for satellites had three nuclear reactors melt down and at least one of them exploded making it the worst nuclear reactor disaster on record. People think Three Mile Island was bad, the reactor exploded and a radioactive cloud of Strontium 90 spread over the valley from the site into Simi Valley and across the hills to Los Angeles County to the River.

Reactor that melted down, note the size for colleges and educations institutions
Ruzich, K. C.., Sturm, W. J.. Hazard Summary Report for the Argonne AGN-201 Reactor. United States: Argonne National Laboratory, 1962.

Bloomfield NJ Uranium Processing at Westinghouse started before 1942

The Westinghouse plant in Bloomfield was in operation purifying uranium before 1942. It was a part of the process to turn Uranium into Uranium metal for the Chicago Pile which had the first nuclear reaction in 1942. Linking Legacies published by the Department of Energy lists some of the sites used in the production of the Atomic bomb. There are a lot more but this was published in 1997. It is part of a congressional hearing, the expert testimony of most hearings are reports like these.…/2014/03/f8/Linking_Legacies.pdf

This is one of the most densly populated places in the United States 10 miles due west of Manhattan. And it is clear that the Atomic Energy Commission did not care about inspections as will be revealed in these reports.

New Page Glen Ridge New Jersey features the Bloomfield Site and the extensive documentation of the nuclear and toxic waste sites including the EPA Superfund Site of Carteret Street and Lorraine Avenue sites.

Glen Ridge High School Physics Department Gammator 50B device 400 Curies of Cesium 137

1968 to at least 1989 the Atomic Energy Commission numbers for GRHS were 29-12957-01 and 29-12957-02 Update below, it was removed in 1991.

I grew up in this town in New Jersey, 11 miles due west of the Empire State Building where the EPA found Uranium, Thorium and Radium under our Little League Field at Carteret Park, and the next town over was Bloomfield New Jersey that had the Westinghouse Uranium and Thorium processing plant. But I just found that we had a device, the Gammaton 50B which contained 400 curies of Cesium 137 and was rated for 50,000 REM of radiation inside the chamber.

I will be posting the NRC correspondence and reports and you can decide for yourselves who is responsible. The man in charge was a good friend but he was way over his head on this and this whole mess is the result of the most destructive force known to man, the irresponsible Atomic Energy Commission that sent devices like this all over the country and the world on the “Atoms for Peace” initiative and they were also responsible for the atomic tests.

These documents are on the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Website and I will post the Title of document with link and then the screen shots of the pages

Informs that Gammator-50 will be placed in physics project room in science wing of new high school.Burglar alarm sys connected to police station for security against break-ins.

Continue reading “Glen Ridge High School Physics Department Gammator 50B device 400 Curies of Cesium 137”