Placing people in Harms way for Real Estate Deals

They put the homeless onto the base barracks to solve the homeless problem knowing it was irradiated, and now those people are dying of cancer.

Note further information about Treasure Island’s Atomic Biological and Chemical Training facilities can be found at this site

Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi’s nephew Laurence Pelosi who is also the first cousin of then Mayor and now Governor Gavin Newsom was the Vice President of Naval Base Acquisitions for Lennar Builders and Lennar has the exclusive contracts to build luxury apartments and commercial space on three closed Navy Bases which are also EPA superfund sites for nuclear radiation. Nancy Pelosi, Gavin Newsom, Willie Brown and Dianne Feinstein put the homeless onto the base barracks to solve the homeless problem knowing it was irradiated, and now those the tenants are dying of cancer.

Another words, they failed to build public housing to solve the homeless crisis.

Kamala Harris is directly involved for not allowing any cases or to prosecute the conspirators even when personally petitioned by residents of Treasure Island who now have cancer. 

Articles below:

The San Francisco Bayview National Black Newspaper in San Francisco has this article that explains the problem:

  • Radiation expert, Dr. Ahimsa Porter Sumchai, exposes the inbred politics of the corrupt cleanup. Video of Author of the above article and a short summary.

US Navy Report on Dumping Nuclear Waste Directly into San Francisco Bay 10 December 1946 after cleaning the ships used in Atomic Bomb tests at Bikini Atoll. The cover up and exposure.

Reuters article on the nuclear radiation at the housing projects of Treasure Island San Francisco
“Legacy of Contamination; A California Naval base shutters, and contamination lingers decades later” By ROBIN RESPAUT and READE LEVINSON Filed Jan. 31, 2019, 12:15 p.m. GMT

The Navy Bases are:

Gavin Newsom

“SAN FRANCISCO / Specter of conflict of interest for Newsom / Developer, fund-raiser seeks Treasure Island deal” Katia Hetter, Chronicle Staff Writer Published 4:00 am PST, Friday, April 2, 2004 – Gavin Newsom’s cousin Laurence Pelosi, (nephew of Nancy Pelosi) was the VP of Naval Base Acquisitions Lennar Builders to exclusively develop closed Navy bases

Gavin Newsom’s mayoral campaign manager had a party to retire Newsom’s mayoral campaign debt and he received the exclusive contract for Treasure Island an EPA superfund site for nuclear radiation.  They placed the homeless on the site and illegally excluded them from fair housing laws to evict them if they complained. Dr. Smadar Lavie, a professor at Berkeley was evicted based on race.

“Racialized evictions are part of Treasure Island Redevelopment” The San Francisco Bay View National Black Newspaper, January 13, 2018

And the video is at:
Racialized evictions from Treasure Island by the former campaign manager for Gavin Newsom who got the exclusive contract to build on Treasure Island an EPA superfund site for nuclear radiation.

Mayor Gavin Newsom took 85% of state benefits of the poor leaving them with $59 a month and put them on the Treasure Island Navy Base which is an EPA superfund site for nuclear radiation.
Care not Cash Initiative:

Michelle Malkin explains the land transfer of Treasure Island Navy Base (in San Francisco Bay, the Bay Bridge goes to it) and the conspirators:
Pelosi and the Treasure Island Land Grab, MICHELLE MALKIN • AUGUST 18, 2010 • 1,000 WORDS

Kamala Harris Obstruction of Justice and the placement of real estate on EPA Superfund sites and other Toxic waste sites.

Where was Kamala Harris in all of this?  She was the DA and the Attorney General, why did she not investigate when she was specifically asked by two residents Felita Sample and Andre Patterson who were residents on Treasure Island:

Heartbreaking video of Felita and Andre Sample who brought the obstruction of Justice Charge against Kamala Harris for putting the homeless onto a nuclear waste site and they describe their illness. Andre now has large cancers on his back. Source is the Video Labor Project which is a progressive news agency in San Francisco.

Kamala Harris obstruction of Justice charges against her for the placement of homeless people into public housing on Treasure Island Navy Base which is an EPA superfund site for nuclear radiation. And the complainants have cancer!

Kamala Harris obstruction of Justice charges:

Kamala Harris as Attorney General allowed Stanford University to build graduate student housing on a toxic waste site – Article and maps

Kamala as Attorney General allowed Apple to build headquarters on two EPA Superfund sites for Trichloroethylene (TCE) which causes cancer Apple needs to evacuate all employees immediately. – Article and Maps

Google built its headquarters the googleplex on an EPA superfund site for Trichloroethylene (TCE) which causes cancer and eliminates anyone under the age of 21 from being on the site. Kamala Harris was Attorney General – Article and Maps

Facebook Building Number 23 is a toxic waste site. Facebook was allowed to use it when Kamala Harris was Attorney General. Why did she allow Facebook Employees to be exposed to the cancer causing chemicals on the site? – Article and Links

Facebook headquarters is on a toxic waste management facility and if laws were enforced, they would have to evacuate 25000 employees for the exposure to PCBs and Dioxin. Kamala was Attorney General of CA – Article and Maps

Dianne Feinstein

Dianne Feinstein’s husband Richard Blum work is detailed in this article: “Media silent as Navy digs 1,280 radiological objects from Treasure Island; Single radioactive object found at Hunters Point’s ‘clean’ Parcel A reported as ‘startling’” by Carol Harvey, The San Francisco Bay View National Black Newspaper, October 12, 2018

Where was the EPA in All of this?

Jared Blumenfeld was on the Treasure Island Development Authority (TIDA) which was a state agency to acquire and transfer the Navy Base to the City and to develop it. He was on the San Francisco Committee on the Environment with Paul Pelosi Jr. and they placed little league baseball diamonds on Treasure Island. Later, he became President Obama’s EPA Administrator for the western District (9) which includes California. He is now the head of the California state’s EPA.

Background article on the shipyards and the source of the radiation from the USNRDL, the United States Navy Radiological Defense Lab

Note that there are no Nuclear Power Plants involved.
The areas were contaminated on purpose to train sailors in techniques to clean up after a nuclear attack both ships and naval installations. So they conducted radiation experiments by purposely spreading radioactive isotopes onto Barracks, the grounds and streets of Hunters Point Shipyard, San Bruno Navy Base (currently the home of YouTube Headquarters), Treasure Island, Camp Stoneman which is now most of Pittsburg California and at Camp Parks in Dublin California where the State built a Prison on the site of the nuclear experiments.
Dr Joseph Hamilton of the University of California Berkeley, along with Dr Robert Stone set the standards for safe experiments for radiation for the US military while he was conducting plutonium injections in the city on unsuspecting civilians.

How nuclear researchers handled — and grossly mishandled — the Cold War’s most dangerous radioactive substances at a top-secret lab inside the Hunters Point Shipyard. The shipyard the city wants to remake as San Francisco’s newest neighborhood

Course list of Radiological, Biological and Chemical training at the US Navy Treasure Island Command School and US Navy Damage Control School at the Navy Base 1978.

Map from US Geological Survey detailing the locations of where the Navy dumped nuclear waste from its activities in the San Francisco Bay area affecting the fisheries of the Bay Area.

“Radioactive object found near homes at Hunters Point Shipyard” – by Jason Fagone and Cynthia Dizikes San Francisco Chronicle Sep. 13, 2018 you will need to cut and paste this link to access it.

SF shipyard soil samples manipulated or falsified, report says

“At tainted San Francisco shipyard, is ‘safe’ site really safe?” San Francisco Chronicle May 6, 2018

“Treasure Island cleanup exposes Navy’s mishandling of its nuclear past”  Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists By Matt Smith, Katharine Mieszkowski, The Center for Investigative Reporting, February 24, 2014

Criminal Cover-up Blows Up At SF Hunters Point Naval Shipyard “Clean-up” Meeting 2/7/17

“The TIDA board plunges into redevelopment, burying Yerba Buena and Treasure Islanders’ concerns: A tragedy in three parts – Part Three” May 23, 2015

Heartbreaking video posted on this article of a woman who tells of her child born disfigured from living on the island the island officials do not want to hear this

As tons of toxic soil piled up around them, San Francisco assured the cops at Hunters Point shipyard they were safe. But the city never knew, and still doesn’t. By Jason Fagone and Cynthia Dizikes Nov. 9, 2018 San Francisco Chronicle

Article on the return of 9 truckloads of radioactive Asphalt from Hunters Point Shipyard which was shipped to Keller Landfill and they rejected it.
County to host public forum answering questions on radioactive soil at Keller Canyon Landfill,”
East BayTimes
By AARON DAVIS | Bay Area News Group
PUBLISHED: June 15, 2018 at 8:56 am | UPDATED: June 15, 2018 at 3:16 pm

Hunters Point Shipyard Cover-UP Workweek Radio

This site

This site contains articles to document the radioactive contamination of the Navy from its work at the USNRDL the United States Navy Radiological Defense Laboratory and this of course expanded to all toxic waste sites starting in the Bay Area and in California and in other sites used in radiation testing from the lab.

I found builders were building on toxic waste sites in San Francisco and throughout the Bay Area. Normal people would not look at a site that causes cancer, you would think they wouldn’t touch the land but because Tech Giants like Google, Facebook and Apple built on toxic land .

Some notable items are the housing developments on the TNT and Dynamite factories of Hercules California as well as the housing development on the Benicia Arsenal where 6 years into the construction they unearthed a live artillery shell and then realized that building on a artillery range was a problem.

I read all of the deed restrictions for the State of California for toxic waste sites and listed the state resources to find out more information, and I mapped the locations on Google and other mapping services and will post them as I continue. More to come.