Connected Treasure Island Developers Cultivated Profitable Deal

Historical Essay
by Alison Hawkes and Bernice Yeung

How the city handed over control of one of the city’s most scenic locales — despite audits, voter anger and rebellious bureaucrats.

This article points out the relationships of all the key players in developing this Island even though it is irradiated. The politicians and their family connections to the developers.

Navy does damage control for Pelosi, Feinstein and Lennar as it continues to claim Treasure Island and Hunters Point Shipyard are ‘safe’

Another $22 million down the rat hole?
by Steve Zeltzer, KPFA WorkWeek Radio
July 5, 2018

“The U.S. Navy had its every-three-months dog and pony show at the Treasure Island Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) meeting on Tuesday, June 19, 2018. The previous meeting included a Tetra Tech representative and a loud confrontation, but this time Tetra Tech representatives were not on the panel since there are now two Tetra Tech managers in federal prison for falsifying the cleanup records at Hunters Point and an ongoing grand jury investigation with likely more sealed indictments that could lead to further criminal action against the top management of Tetra Tech.

Since the scandal blow-up, however, Congresswoman Pelosi has arranged to get another $42 million from the budget reconciliation bill for more retesting on formerly tested contaminated land in the Superfund site at Hunters Point Shipyard. This is after $1 billion has already been expended by the U.S. government to clean up Hunters Point Shipyard and Treasure Island, which are both Superfund sites.”

“Behind the continued effort to push forward with both the developments at Hunters Point Shipyard and Treasure Island are Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who have deep financial connections to this development of the Shipyard and Treasure Island. Feinstein’s husband, Richard Blum, financially pushed for the development; his company has the primary contract to build condos at Treasure Island. Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi’s nephew, Laurence Pelosi, was an executive of Lennar – in charge of real estate acquisitions – while she was pushing for the development and getting hundreds of millions for the “cleanup.””

“Former Mayor Willie Brown had been instrumental in arranging for the U.S. Navy to prepare the site to turn it over to the city for future million-dollar condos. In the meantime, they placed low income African American families and homeless on the Island.”